
2015年7月18日 in 海运价格
and perfect branch, network covers allbasic seaport and airport in Europe, North America, Japan, Korea,Singapore and Southeast asia. In Europe, Antwerp, Rotterdam,Hamburg, Southampton, Genoa, Venice, Felix, Helsinki and other ports;in London and Frankfurt, Paris, Milan and other major airport cargo warehousing center; in North America, Losangeles, Chicago, New York,Barr Di Mo, Houston harbor; with the institutions directly under thecompany in Tokyo, Japan Kobe and Singapore, good relations with theshipping company for many years of cooperation and the establishment ofworld famous, is to provide strong guarantee the most efficienttransportation, the low price for you! We provide a charter booking,document, shipment notice, freight, insurance 国际货运涉及的环节繁多,时效严格,标的巨大,这就要求从事的人员具备相当素质和高度的敬业精神。首先要求业务人员精通国际货运、外贸等相关知识;其次,要求操作人员严格尽职地照章操作;同时要求客服人员及时地跟踪服务;更为重要地是在管理上合理分工,正确决策,有效统筹。“环环相扣,一丝不苟”不仅仅体现在对整个业务流程的要求,更体现在对旺嘉人对于客户的负责态度和对待工作的敬业精神。把客户的事情当成自己的事情来处理,设身处地帮助客户预见问题,解决问题。旺嘉严谨的作风和负责任的态度是旺嘉赢得广大客户信任和同行认可的重要原因。
