
2012年11月13日 in 拼箱拼柜
Huafeng provides a series of air or marine import & export services such as Customs declaration, Customs clearance, cargo transit, door to door transportation and related commercial & plant inspection, fumigation, insurance, storage and so on. On-line operations that based on the Transocean Cargo System ensure tracing and supervising for each consignment. To satisfy customers with professional, systematic and standard services is always Huafeng’s principle.
Huafeng’s business scope includes:
Freight forwarding;
Storage and domestic transit;
Space booking;
Customs declaration, Customs clearance and application of inspection;
Issuing ocean bill of lading;
Payment of freight charges, help on insurance coverage and preparing import & export documents;
Complete service of air, ocean or international multi-modal transportation;
Transportation services in China ports.
Huafeng’s far-sighted leadership has recognized
   哥伦比亚地图1。亚马孙省(莱蒂西亚) 2。安蒂奥基亚省(麦德林) 3。阿劳卡省(阿劳卡) 4。大西洋省(巴兰基亚) 5。玻利瓦尔省(卡塔赫纳) 6。博亚卡省(通哈) 7。卡尔达斯省(马尼萨莱斯) 8。卡克塔省(弗洛伦西亚) 9。卡萨纳雷省(约帕尔) 10。考卡省(波帕扬) 11。塞萨尔省(巴耶杜帕尔) 12。乔科省(基布多) 13。科尔多瓦省(蒙特里亚) 14。昆迪纳马卡省(波哥大) 15。瓜伊尼亚省(伊尼里达港) 16。瓜维亚雷省(圣何塞) 17。乌伊拉省(内瓦) 18。瓜希拉省(里奥阿查) 19。马格达莱纳省(圣玛尔塔) 20。梅塔省(比亚维森西奥) 21。纳里尼奥省(帕斯托) 22。北桑坦德省(库库塔) 23。普图马约省(莫科阿) 24。金迪奥省(亚美尼亚城) 25。里萨拉尔达省(佩雷拉) 26。圣安德列斯-普罗维登西亚省(圣安德列斯) 27。桑坦德省(布卡拉曼加) 28。苏克雷省(辛塞莱霍) 29。托利马省(伊瓦格) 30。考卡山谷省(卡利) 31。沃佩斯省(米图) 32。比查达省(卡雷尼奥港) 粉色区域。首都区(波哥大)
